Monday, February 6, 2012

{Baby shower}

(Most of these photos were stolen from my Mom. I forgot to bring my camera!)

Saturday was baby shower numero uno! It was put together by Margaret, Nina, Sue, and JoAnn, and they did such a great job! When I think of baby showers I always think of cutesy baby blue decorations and silly-looking cakes (this is possibly because I rarely go to baby showers), but these lovely ladies went above and beyond! They put together a baseball-themed shower, complete with Cracker Jacks, hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn, good ol' fashioned bubble gum, and baseball-shaped cake pops! I loved it, especially since I got to have all my fave snacks lol.

I got some amazing presents, including this quilt by Elaine and a blue, red, and cream afghan handmade by my cousin Earlene!

You can't really tell in this photo, but Kellen got so much awesome stuff. We're blessed to have such generous friends and family! You can't really see it in the photo, but we even got the little baby spa (it has a wee little jacuzzi jet!) I registered for but never really expected to get. The hostesses got it for me!

Thanks again to everyone who came and gave us such lovely gifts! It means more than you know to us. :)

Well, folks, I leave you with a photo I couldn't resist including. Allysha decided to ham it up for the camera!

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