Shaun had flowers and chocolates sent to me. You have to understand that no one has ever bought me flowers. This is partially because I always said I didn't want flowers. Really, this was a lie. I just didn't want anyone [Shaun] spending too much of his money on something that I would immediately kill. Plants wilt at the slightest contact with me, I swear. They know I'm coming, and they just keel over and die. Anyhoo, prettiest flowers ever [and I'm sorry the photo is blurry].
My second piece of evidence is the abundance of desserts. Besides the above-mentioned chocolates, I've had dessert nachos from Abuelos [a family tradition for my birthday!], cake that Mom bought, and ah-mazing cookies by miz Emily. I'm amazed I haven't grown cankles and love handles yet.
Third point: presents. Shaun got me a Tim Tebow jersey. For those of you who don't know already, I love the Broncos and I think Tebow is one of the best Christian role models of our time. I used my birthday money from Mom and Dad to buy The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe and a Woe, Is Me shirt. They also got me a wall decoration that says "dance." Haven't found a place to put it yet! To top it all off I got a set of Beats in-ear headphones.
Okay, I didn't have a photo for this one, but last night I got to hang out with some of my favorite people. Whenever I've had big birthday parties in the past something usually went wrong, so this time around it was nice to just chill with people I love!
There you have it folks...a very boring [to everyone but myself] list of why my birthday rocked. I do believe this one sets the bar for birthdays to come!
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