Monday, January 3, 2011


I had a lot of big stuff happen in 2010. Truly, this was probably the busiest year I've ever had!

The year in jobs:
I started working at Tate Publishing as a niche marketing publicist.
Grew to know and love the best coworkers EVER.
Helped jump-start a new publication, Variance Magazine.
Shaun and I started an outlet for hardcore/metalcore/etc. music news called scene[essence].
Started a management group for local hardcore and metal bands called Intellect Management.
Signed two great bands so far, Teeth Like Lions and Beyond Our Skies.

The year in big events:
Celebrated our one year anniversary by going to the Creation Museum and marveling at God's awesome power. I'm so blessed to be married to a guy who shares the same passion for God's Word that I have.
Started Elm Street Bible Study with a group of Yukon friends.
Had a Christmas that didn't suck.
Got the house-buying process started. Scared to death.
Helped Mrs. Lawrence get ready to move back to Scotland. Cried a lot.

The year in sugar:
I drank approximately 4,608 ounces of Dr. Pepper. Give or take about 2,000 ounces.
Had an infamous Pixi Stix incident, in which my blood sugar probably reached dangerous levels.

The year in music:
Got to hang out with some awesome musicians, including Tyler Carter, Telle Smith, Chris Dudley, Chris Cerulli, and many more. I'm looking forward to more of the same this year!
Saw upwards of 60 bands in concert. Possibly over 80, but I've lost count.

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