Tuesday, May 15, 2012

{ Thankful Tuesday - Remembering Grandma Alice }

Last night we unexpectedly lost Shaun's sweet Grandma Alice. It came as a shock to all of us, and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the idea that we won't be able to drive down to Cement to visit her.

Looking back on the six years I've known Alice, I'm thankful for all I've learned from her. So today's Thankful Tuesday is a peek at a few of the things about Alice that I'm most grateful for:

1. She listened. I mean...she really listened. She was one of those people who asked how you were doing and actually wanted to hear the answer. If you needed someone to talk to, she was always there.

2. She made special time for all the little ones in our family - grandchildren, grandnieces and nephews, and her great-grandson, Kellen. I remember when Madison was just a wee one, she kept grabbing Alice's hand and leading her away from the others and over to the window. Madison pointed and said over and over, "Alice...sheeps! Sheeps!" They sat there for a good while as Grandma talked to Madison about the goats (or "sheeps" according to Madison). Out of everyone in the family crowd that day, Madison knew that her great-aunt Alice was the one who would take that time with her. I don't think they realized I was spying on them the whole time, but I couldn't help it. It was just too sweet. :)

3. She baked like nobody's business. Seriously, one piece of her butterfinger pie was never enough. I remember when Shaun and I first started dating and we were driving out to Cement where I would meet his family (all 75+ of them) at a party, he kept telling me how great his grandma's baking was. Her yummy baked goods always held a special place in our hearts...and our stomachs.

4. She showed me what quiet strength is. I've heard that saying many times, but I never truly knew what it meant til I got to know her. Most strong people you meet are bold and outspoken, but Grandma Alice was the kind of person with a personality an outsider might find easy to misread. She was a rock of good sense, love, and the kind of grace only God can give.

5. She was, as Shaun and his sister have said, the matriarch of the family - a shining example of a Christian, a generous soul, a caring heart, a true role model for us all.

We are sad that you've left us, Grandma Alice, but we rejoice in the knowledge that you are by God's side. We love you.
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18

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