Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I love a good story

Yesterday my Mom and I went to my Great-Uncle Jerry's funeral. As I said in my last blog, we had been praying for him for many years, as had Oliver, Dorothy, Darlene, and many other family members. The minister at the funeral was Jerry's step-son, Michael, who let us all know that Jerry had given his life to the Lord in 2008. Michael would go to Jerry's nursing home every Friday to preach, and one Friday he found Jerry very lucid and knew it was his chance. He was able to lead Jerry in becoming a Christian, and two minutes later, clear-thinking Jerry was gone. Michael said he never saw Jerry like that again. God rolled back the confusion Jerry felt from Alzheimer's long enough for him to do the most important thing he would ever do. I am so grateful that our prayers were answered, and I am so grateful that when I get to Heaven I will see Jerry's radiant smile.

While I was in Arkansas I also got to see my cousin Erin for the first time in nearly 20 years! She's my only cousin that's the same age as me and I wish she lived closer. It'd be nice if I could see her and Trystan every now and then, or if they both lived closer!

Cousins in sunglasses!

The farmhouse my great-grandparents lived in. I thought it was gone!

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