Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey, guess what? Still pregnant.

Since my last blog was super short, I feel like I can take license to write as long as I want for this one. Let's face it...I like to ramble.

Today marks the 38th week. Gotta tell ya, I am tired of being pregnant. Being pregnant means I don't get to meet Kellen yet, and it means I get to deal with all these stupid pregnancy woes, like the heartburn. And the nausea. And the tiredness. And the rib pain. And all the other little things like that.

I haven't been too emotional throughout the past 8+ months (that I know of), but I think it's starting to catch up with me. I've seen several Facebook friends who were due after me have their babies early, and the other day it actually made me cry. Yep...I cried out of baby jealousy. Ridiculous, I know.

Every time I read an article saying that women as close to delivering as myself should get extra rest and generally take it easy, I just have to laugh. Who has time for that? I've got tons of work to get done before maternity leave, I've got a crazy amount of housework to do, and I've been helping Shaun get the first issue of the scene[essence] magazine done! So, silly articles: I laugh at your naivete.

Speaking of the magazine, I'm really excited about it. Last night I finished up a fun article about Mitch Brown, the tour manager for Woe, Is Me. He's been a friend of ours since the first time we met the WIM guys in 2010, and he's one of the most impressive young guys in the music industry today if you ask me. If you don't go read about him...I'll cry. Seriously. I'm pregnant. The waterworks could start any time.

...You'll also love the rest of the magazine! Articles about great music + Shaun's super-cool designs = pure awesomeness.

In the midst of all this craziness, I've found myself yearning to go on vacation worse than I can ever remember. I think it might have something to do with knowing I won't get to go anywhere for quite a while! I'm starting to get cabin fever. I'm just ready to go somewhere peaceful. Somewhere that doesn't involve work or other everyday tasks!

I guess that's all that's going on in my exciting little world lately. And when I say exciting, I mean the opposite, because my entire existence is revolving around waiting right now lol. If anyone feels the urge to help me whittle away at my pre-baby to do list, come on over! :)

 Yep. I get this a lot.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weeks 37/38 in numbers

3 - The number of baby showers Kellen has had

18 - The number of packages of diapers we've been given (that's a lot of diapers!)

15 - Days until Kellen's due date

37 - The number of weeks I've been pregnant (tomorrow is 38 weeks)

24 - The number of pounds I've gained so far

6 to 7 - The approximate weight the doctor is guessing for Kellen's birth weight

4.5 million - The approximate number of times I've complained about how much my ribs hurt

Since this blog is entirely too short, here, have a cartoon!

Monday, February 13, 2012

{Week 35 - Are we there yet?}

30 days until Kellen's due date! I have tons to get done before our lil' guy gets here, but I still hope he decides to come a little early. I'm ready to see him and I'm ready to have the ability to take a deep breath again!

Third trimester has been an adventure and I've found several things I can't live without lately. These days I'm in love with my Boppy pregnancy wedge, Tums, and ice. My Boppy because it's the best pillow ever and helps me get a bit of sleep, Tums because stomach acid is trying to eat up my insides, and ice because I've been anemic/iron deficient and I guess eating ice is a symptom.

Unfortunately, even with my Boppy I don't sleep much these days. If Kellen's not kicking me, the ribs on my right side are hurting like they've been knocked out of place. It's not so fun! Makes me feel like this:

(by the way, check out this cartoonist's blog here. She is hilarious!)

Today I stayed home from work, avoiding the crazy drivers in the snow. I fully intended to get tons of work done in the morning then go in at 1 after the snow had melted, but that didn't happen. Instead I was a bum. All day. I felt really bad about it, but Shaun keeps reminding me that with everything I've been doing and how little sleep I've had, I need to take a break and rest on occasion. I won't get that opportunity after Kellen is born!

Speaking of Shaun, I'm pretty sure there's not a better husband around. He's been so helpful! I've even caught him doing the dishes when I hadn't asked him to. :) If I had a best husband trophy I'd award it to him!

Monday, February 6, 2012

{Baby shower}

(Most of these photos were stolen from my Mom. I forgot to bring my camera!)

Saturday was baby shower numero uno! It was put together by Margaret, Nina, Sue, and JoAnn, and they did such a great job! When I think of baby showers I always think of cutesy baby blue decorations and silly-looking cakes (this is possibly because I rarely go to baby showers), but these lovely ladies went above and beyond! They put together a baseball-themed shower, complete with Cracker Jacks, hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn, good ol' fashioned bubble gum, and baseball-shaped cake pops! I loved it, especially since I got to have all my fave snacks lol.

I got some amazing presents, including this quilt by Elaine and a blue, red, and cream afghan handmade by my cousin Earlene!

You can't really tell in this photo, but Kellen got so much awesome stuff. We're blessed to have such generous friends and family! You can't really see it in the photo, but we even got the little baby spa (it has a wee little jacuzzi jet!) I registered for but never really expected to get. The hostesses got it for me!

Thanks again to everyone who came and gave us such lovely gifts! It means more than you know to us. :)

Well, folks, I leave you with a photo I couldn't resist including. Allysha decided to ham it up for the camera!