Monday, December 19, 2011

Cards, presents, and baked goods

Sometimes I wish Christmas was a lot simpler. Does everyone really need all the cards, presents, and baked goods? The cards get thrown away, the presents often end up forgotten or ill-used, and the baked goods are gone within a couple days. What's the point, really?

Yeah, yeah, I know most of you will jump on me for saying that. The cards are thoughtful, the presents show the spirit of giving, the baked goods are delicious. I get that.

What I'm really wondering is, why do we spend so much time and energy on them when that energy (and money) is better spent elsewhere?

In the midst of buying presents at overcrowded stores full of semi-grouchy people, it occurred to me that everyone I'm buying presents for really has enough stuff already. They don't need more things. There are plenty of people out there who have nothing, and here I am filling the already crowded houses of those who have plenty.

What if, instead of spending time, energy, and money on things that pass away, we took time for eternal things? What if we got together with our families and provided Christmas dinner for a family who wouldn't have one otherwise? Or if we bought toys for kids who have been told they won't be getting presents this year?

When Jesus came to earth as a little baby, the first people told of His arrival weren't kings or holy men. They were shepherds. They were considered so dirty that if you touched one, you had to be cleansed. They were untouchable. Yet, they were the first told of this heavenly gift, of this Savior.

Shouldn't Christmas be the same way for us? Shouldn't we first give to those society deems untouchable and worry about ourselves later?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pregnancy faves

Three blogs in three days? I know, I'm crazy! Guess I'm just in a sharing mood this week. :)

The past few months have been all about comfort, and in that time I've found a few things I can't live without! I only wish I'd found them earlier. So pregnant ladies, take note!

Earth Therapeutics Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap
With my constantly sore ribs and lower back, this microwaveable/freezable wrap has been a Godsend. Every 10 minutes spent with a hot wrap gives me an hour without rib pain, and I think that's a pretty good trade! It's great to cozy up with at bedtime as well.

Belly Band
I got a Be Maternity BeBand from Target, and it's been a great investment. Since I loathe most of the maternity jeans I've found, this has been a lifesaver. Slip it over your pre-pregnancy jeans and you don't even have to zip them up!

The Republic of Tea - Get Maternal
I discovered this tea at the Health Food Center today ($7.99 for 36 tea bags), and it is amazing. I wish I'd known about it during the first trimester. It has ginger to help with nausea and all sorts of other herbal goodness to help combat water retention, keep muscle tone, grow strong baby bones, etc. And it's tasty too!

What are your top three pregnancy comforts?

Christmas with friends!

It's way past my pregnant lady bedtime (which is usually between 9:30 and 10:30, in case you wanted to know), but I just can't help but post some photos from our marketing support staff reunion party!

The marketing support staff is where I started in the company I work for, and the coworkers were amaz-za-zing. We had some of the best - and funniest - times in that office, and to memorialize them we posted the best one liners on a Twitter account. As a surprise for all of us, Aiden went through and printed them all out for our enjoyment. It basically turned into a 6 hour laugh fest!

The quotes. See how funny we are? That bowl is FULL!
"Buttshorts!...Why did I say that?"
Laughed 'til we cried. True story.
I would like to point out that even Shaun laughed out loud. That rarely happens!

It's amazing how one line, like "DO NOT FART!" or "I AM that good looking!" brings back a flood of memories and laughs! It was good to get together with people who share my offbeat sense of humor. Oh, and love of sweets. Did I mention the sweets?

It's okay. You can drool. I did too.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

26 weeks and counting!

I haven't had much to update about lately, so here's a mini-update that answers some of the questions people have been asking me!

I'm eating a lot of...strawberry jello, mac & cheese, pickles, and colby jack cheese. And I will absolutely demolish a bag of peppermint bark Ghiradellis when given the chance.

I'm feeling...meh. My ribcage is very sore and makes it hard to sit down for long periods of time. Other than that and my lack of sleep though, not so bad!

Baby is...26 weeks along. According to Baby Center, he's about 1.66 pounds and 14 inches long. And he's very opinionated! If he doesn't like how I'm sitting or laying, he lets me know.

His name is...undecided at this point. It will definitely start with a K! Not because we decided we wanted a K name though. For some reason every name we like just happens to start with that letter!

His room will be...vintage baseball. Sometime soon Mom and I will be undertaking the task of sewing bedding for his crib! I'm pretty excited.

Well folks, that's all for now! If anyone has any burning questions, ask away. :)