I guess I should get better at updating this with what I'm actually up to lately! People seem a lot more likely to ask a pregnant woman than a non-child-bearing one. ;)
So, what's up with me? Well for starters, I'm really looking forward to the imminent move from first trimester to second! Right now I feel queasy a lot (the puking portion of this pregnancy is slowly wearing off) and I tend to start nodding off if I sit still too long, but my appetite is definitely getting better. I'm also finding that I'm craving a lot healthier food than I used to. I don't eat near as much fried food as I used to, even though it's still a beloved part of my diet. The weirdest thing is my love of Dr. Pepper is completely gone. This former DP addict hasn't had one in at least 6 weeks!
Shaun's birthday was Wednesday, so we kind of made a week of it. On Sunday we had a party with his family, then Monday we did dinner at Abuelo's (free birthday dessert! Enough to share!) and finally watched Deathly Hallows Part 2 at the mall. For his actual birthday we totally pigged out on Mom's crunchy chicken and cookies & cream cake. I think it's the first time I've pigged out in a few months lol.
I still have a while before the doctor can determine Peanut's gender for us, and it's driving me crazy! I keep seeing pretty little girl onesies I want to buy, and on the flip side I also really want to buy Atlanta Braves and St. Louis Cardinals onesies that are available on the MLB site. So dang cute. I guess I'll just have to use some patience 'til I find out!
Back to the subject of food, because that is my favorite subject lately, this weekend is the OCCC Arts Festival! I highly recommend it. Cheap admission - $5 for parking and that's it - amazing art, and of course the FOOD. We normally only stay for a couple hours, but I'm wondering if my fam would willingly go for a late lunch and stay til an early dinner. I have plans to eat roasted corn, a funnel cake, tater twirls, and maybe throw something else in there somewhere. That's doable, right? :)